
September 30, 2006


Filed under: — admin @ 15:50

Nobody likes to watch hot girls in the dark silece. Because of that, Popp-O-Mat offers you some free music to download! They are in the formats XM (FastTracker), IT (ImpulseTracker), MOD (Protracker) and MIDI. You can listen to them using WinAmp.

Tracker Files
Title Format Size [MB]
Angel XM 0.54
Another Day Is Away XM 0.69
A Better World XM 0.76
Crying Spy MOD 0.05
Days XM 1.16
Daytime MOD 0.10
DJ Yan – A Rock From Moon IT 0.85
Antishit IT 0.69
Eskimo – Aphrodite (Extended) IT 1.07
Dancing To The Night XM 0.73
Hunger MOD 0.14
Arnold Collective XM 0.54
Can U Feel Da Rhythm XM 0.72
Hero XM 0.71
Rains XM 0.57
Robotron 2 MOD 0.09
Speed 120 MOD 0.09
When Twilight Comes XM 0.43
MIDI Files (also good as mobile phone ringtones!)
Title Format Size [kB]
Close To You MIDI 52
Dance Mix MIDI 28
Das Boot MIDI 44
Ecuador MIDI 51
Encore Une Fois MIDI 50
In The Heat Of The Night MIDI 59
Incident At Dark Shores MIDI 77
Just Blues MIDI 14
Night Funk MIDI 48
Pacific Coast Highway MIDI 65
Spheres MIDI 73
What Can I Say MIDI 35
X Files Theme (Extended) MIDI 39

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